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Regular Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 12 noon -8pm
Saturday 10am-3pm
Regular Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 12 noon -8pm
Saturday 10am-3pm
Regular Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 12 noon -8pm
Saturday 10am-3pm
Office Hours: Schertz
Mon-Thurs 12pm-8pm
Sat 10am-3pm
Fri & Sun -closed
Office Hours: Seguin
Mon-Thurs 12pm-7pm
Sat 10am-3pm
Fri & Sun -closed
Hablamos español
Discounts offered:
$10 military
$10 Bring a Friend
Only one discount applies.
Online Classroom Course--Start today!
*Well written, short concise lessons
*Easy to follow, content reviews, knowledge checks
*Self paced- as little as 15 minutes a day
*Permit eligible after 6 hours
*Certificates conveniently and quickly emailed
*Behind the wheel with professional, highly trained instructors

Our online classes were professionally written by our own certified Texas teachers with over 30 years of teaching and driver education experience.
Parent Taught
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